Shobukan is a small, non-commercial, independent martial arts group dedicated to the study
of the Japanese martial arts, specifically, weapons and jujutsu
systems. We currently have dojo in Maryland (USA) and Grafenwoehr (Germany).
Primarily, we study the Kokoro Ryu system of budo (weapons, jujutsu
and kempo) and often host guest instructors from other gendai and koryu budo. Additionally, we've received permission from Kiyama Sensei to start studying Shinto Hatakage Ryu Iaijutsu and will host the US instructor as often as possible. For more info:
Shobukan USA (Frederick, MD):
E-mail shobu-usa@the-dojo.com.
Shobukan Grafenwoehr (in eastern
E-mail shobugraf@the-dojo.com.